More about our earthing journey.

While the family and I have been earthing now for over 5 years, we’ve been testing our earthing floor now for about 2 years. We installed this floor right before Covid hit and what a blessings that was. After the announcement of only essential workers being able to work I knew this floor and it’s abilities would be essential in and of itself.

During Covid, as a business owner and employee of Wags 2 Whiskers we found ourselves utilizing the benefits of the flooring system with the dogs and volunteers on sooo many levels.

Some of the things we started doing and offering as a service include

Indoor walks and exercise can now simulate being outdoors on the bare earth

We can do yoga indoors and it’s like we are on the beach…what!!! Thats crazy, but it’s true.

How do we know this? Clint Ober, Dr. Senatra and a mysterious guy named Gaetan who is the director of Earthing Institute, and some other cool organizations, pretty much make up the dynamic trio (in my opinion) and why we ALL know about earthing on a much deeper level.

My God, I AM still learning more and more each day I dive into this phenomenal research. I have my own ideas to further study as well (wink wink). My point is, these guys are busy, super busy making stuff happen out there. For the past, IDK, 18 months or so, I’ve been trying to contact them about this floor and what it can do. Why? Because I think it’s cool. And I like knowing our dogs are grounded and earthing indoors on vinyl. This can be done with rubber too. ESD floors come in soooo many different materials it’s literally endless.

I don’t know. Part of me thinks I’ll never meet these heroes and that’s OK, because we have been inspired by them. And hadn’t they been inspired by those who inspired them? Of course, did they meet them? Maybe.

We love earthing and we believe it to be another raw source of healing energy for the body. Just like Dr. Senatra said during and interview with Dr. Mercola.

And because of this, God willing, Wags 2 Whiskers aims to continue creating and using this flooring system for dogs and humans to do all kinds of marvelous and regular things on.

Stay tuned….

Deana Ward

I build sites that are smart, strategic, and simple. And I’m a copywriter who understands the best ways to connect with humans and please Google. My project process has been honed over the past ten years, creating a stress-free client experience.

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